( and not feel bad to call myself a “beginner”, regardless of my age ). I’d dabbled in soapmaking about 5 years ago whilst attempting to follow youtube videos and various blog instructions. However, my results displayed themselves in mushy disintegrating lumps in the shower.
About 6 months ago, I found a local instagram soap account, Allison @gigglesuds. Her beautiful soap is similar to what I envisioned myself wanting to create. After making contact I was fortunate to be kindly welcomed into her home for a soapmaking workshop. I’ve been mixing, combining and creating my own recipes and blends ever since in my kitchen :)

Each batch of soap is pretty special. It takes a few hours to mix and blend all of the oils together just so. Then, after mixtures are poured into moulds, they have to sit for two days so that all of the ingredients can hang out together and celebrate the amazing thing that they are creating!
We understand that you make soaps for different skin/personal needs (eg. sensitive skin, dry skin, vegan etc.) and you mainly scent your products with essential oils.

All of the soaps from Little Loving Things are Palm Oil Free. This means it’s a bit more expensive to make, but also more appealing to many customers. I’m really happy that I am able to meet the requests of this supportive community in a sustainable manner.
The soaps are vegan (except for a couple varieties which use a bit of beautiful local honey) mainly because I have an unusual allergy to meat which makes me unable to work with tallow, another soap base (which is not vegan). However, it’s also nice to know that vegans can use this soap with confidence knowing that it ethically aligns with their beliefs as well as beautifully nourishes their skin. Some people prefer an unscented very simple soap, which we have as well. Our Refresh bar is made of only olive oil for soothing sensitive skin and little bit of castor oil for a good lather. This soap is plain, luxurious and only available after a minimum 6 - 8 week cure time.

What is your personal favourite, go-to soap from your collection?
Well, that is a tough question! Is it trite to say that I love them all?
I really find them so beautiful to look at. I also love the way they feel as I lather up in my hands. The subtle scents are so lovely too, as they’re not too strong on my nose. Did you know that each bar looks different? Because of this, I feel like I’ve won a prize with every bar that I choose! I’m going to officially say that I can’t choose wrong - they’re all my go-to!

You are also an amazing artist! How long have you been painting and what inspires you when creating art?
Why thank you! I’m so flattered. You see, as a wannabe ;) clever person, I’m still strengthening my “accept compliments” muscles. So, thank you very much.
When painting, I love love love to be led intuitively. I love to pick a few colours and then just go. Let my hands, wrists and fingers move as they may and see what happens. Its a very freeing, terrifying and invigorating experience. Every time. Then, I sit back, breathe and allow the painting to come together. Quiet things down. Finally, a completed piece results. A reflection of wild abandoned chaos and quiet calm together on a page. Perhaps a depiction of my life?
( usually more the wild chaos than the quiet calm )

Work life balance does not exist! Whether your work is in the home or outside of the home, this whole balance concept can be crushingly misleading. If I’m soaping, the house doesn’t get cleaned. If I’m on school holidays with the kids, the soap has to be put on the back burner a bit. I’ve set up my painting area in the kitchen so that I can paint in between making a meal. Sure, it’s great to have hours on end, but more often than not, painting is me with 5 minutes or 30 minutes on a timer. Ready! Set! Go! ...and I’m only allowed to celebrate the results. Celebrate that I somehow carved out a moment for myself to create. That always feels good.
We have to forgive ourselves more, and just do what we do. That is where the balance is.
Be kinder.
To ourselves.